Lidia Krzynowek is a director of the Polish Cultural Festival Association since its inception in 2008. During that time she was responsible for leadership, development and delivery of a number of successful project that promote Polish- Scottish Integration and Heritage; e.g. Polish Cultural Festival 2009, ‘’ The Experience of Polish –Scottish Integrationin Scotland’’- report 2010, Polish Kalejdoscop 2011, Polish Food and Culture Festival 2012, Polish Scottish Heritage project (2013/2014) | Robert Motyka / Team Media
Motion Graphics, Edinburgh
Robert Motyka, lives in and loves Edinburgh since 2007.
Digital Designer, Video maker and VJ. | Joanna Zawadzka / Director
Born in Poland, community activist based in Edinburgh, coordinator of Bloody Foreigners and One Day Without Us campaigns in Edinburgh. Since 2008 working as a director of the Polish Cultural Festival Association she developed a number of successful projects to support migrant and ethnic minority communities and their integration into wider society. Her work concentrates around promoting equality and social diversity through community led and cultural initiatives. |
Kasia Kokowska / Team Press
Born in Poland, graduated from the Warsaw University with a degree in journalism and social communications. In the UK since 2005. Works as a manager at the University of Edinburgh; co-ordinator of Interactive Writing Salon in Scotland, Polish writing project.
04/2015: Bloody Foreigners Campaign | Radek Slomnicki
Polish Cultural Festival 2009
Polish Scottish Heritage Trail 2013-2015
Worked for PCFA in the capacity of: Volunteer Co-ordinator, Event Organiser, Project Leader, Researcher and Photographer.
Moved to Scotland in 2004. While dedicated to photography, he is pursuing his career as a HR professional. | Alicja Pawluczuk / Youth & Digital Skills Projects
I am passionate about digital storytelling and
the use of social media in social development
context. My experience covers digital community management, content production, participatory media workshops at: FAO-UN, the Insitute of Local Televison, Maverick Television, Fife Cultural Trust, Edinburgh Napier University , Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, Screen Education Edinburgh, Media Education Edinburgh. |